Surgical Procedures

Aesthetic Dentistry

Even if you don’t consciously do it when you are in mutual communication, you have noticed that you focus on the most striking points on your interlocutor’s face. But people do not always attract attention with their aesthetic beauty. Defects that occur in some points of the face can also attract annoying attention.

In particular, our oral structure, the teeth and lips that make it up are very visible due to their functions in speech. For this reason, aesthetic problems in the mouth and tooth structure can unfortunately be self-destructive. At least no one will want to speak in public or smile with missing, decayed, broken, or yellowed teeth. This situation can remove the person from the environment over time and lead to psychological problems.

Take the First Step to a Perfect Smile

The good news is that; Cosmetic Dentistry or more holistically Aesthetic Dentistry is now very easy with today’s Digital Dentistry facilities! In the continuation of our article;

  1. What is Aesthetic Dentistry?
  2. What are Aesthetic Dentistry Applications?
  3. Which Treatment and Procedures Does Aesthetic Dentistry Apply?
  4. What are the Most Preferred Dental Aesthetic Applications?

we will try to give answers to the questions.

What is Aesthetic Dentistry?

Aesthetic dentistry is the art of transforming the appearance of your smile. It is important to take care of your mouth, teeth and gums, to eliminate their aesthetic defects; But it is much more important to correct the functional defects of the tooth.

This is the most important factor that distinguishes aesthetic dentistry from cosmetic dentistry. While obtaining an aesthetic image, it is necessary not to lose functional maturity and naturalness. As a result, when you feel great about your smile, you also feel great about yourself. However, not all aesthetic dentistry procedures are available for everyone. At this point, it is necessary to produce a personalized solution.

Msc. Dt. Aslı Çoban and her team of experts can be sure that we will help you in choosing the right option that will give you the best result to have a perfect smile while protecting your oral and dental health.

Regain Your Self-Confidence with Aesthetic Dentistry

Aesthetic dentistry treatment and applications; Having the smile of your dreams is no longer utopia with many modern techniques such as smile design, digital smile design, Hollywood smile, gum aesthetics (pink aesthetics), aesthetic dental coatings (laminate veneer, zirconium, bonding), aesthetic crowns, dental implants, teeth whitening (bleaching) applications, orthodontic applications for aesthetic purposes (transparent plaques), botox and dermal fillings.

When you are ready for change, you can also regain your self-confidence with aesthetic dentistry. Moreover, with our digital dentistry facilities we use in our clinic, the possibility of encountering an error or a bad surprise is almost negligible.

Which Treatment and Procedures Does Aesthetic Dentistry Apply?

A perfect smile design in the golden ratio goes through a multidisciplinary approach. After the radiological and clinical examination, one or more of the following methods can be applied according to the needs of the person with the help of digital technology.


Teeth whitening or bleaching is a dental cosmetic procedure that whitens and brightens stained or discolored teeth. It can be applied as home type teeth whitening or office type teeth whitening. Tooth whitening applications do not cause any damage to the teeth.

Home Teeth Whitening Method: It is a bleaching process that the person can easily apply at home. It is applied by placing carbamide-peroxide-based gels in plastic mouthpieces specially prepared for the person with a simple measure taken orally. The desired bleaching can be achieved in an average of 5-7 days.

Office Type Teeth Whitening Method:It is a simple and painless procedure that can be performed within 1 hour in the dental clinic. In this bleaching method, a high concentration of whitening agent is used. In this way, the desired opening of the color of the teeth can be achieved very quickly, often in a single session. The high concentration of the application does not harm the teeth at all.

Dental Veneers

Veneers are custom-made thin layers of porcelain or composite materials that are adhered to the front surface of the tooth. They help hide tooth defects such as stains, cracks, curvatures or gaps between teeth.

Dental veneers mimic the natural appearance of teeth and are also as durable as natural tooth enamel. Veneers are specially produced according to the contours of your teeth and are bonded to the natural enamel of your teeth through a series of processes. There are different types of aesthetic dental coating that can be preferred according to the tooth structure of the person and the desired image to be obtained:

  • Zirconium Dental Veneer
  • Laminate Porcelain Dental Veneer
  • Composite Laminate Dental Veneer (Bonding)
  • Full Ceramic Dental Veneer (Empress E-max Veneer)


Dental crowns (crown) are also a dental coating method and are among the most successful applications in the field of dental aesthetics. Dental crowns help strengthen the problem tooth; it allows it to be configured in accordance with its natural form, size and color. It is effective in keeping tooth fillings, connecting bridges, eliminating color changes and protecting weak teeth.

Crowns can be made of many different materials. The durability of the crown is directly proportional to the quality of the material used and the crowns can be used for about 5 to 15 years. Maintaining regular oral hygiene can prolong the life of crowns. The most preferred dental crowns; zirconium and porcelain.

Zirconium, which has high biocompatibility, is divided into two as metal supported and non-metal supported. Porcelain crowns, as the name suggests, are obtained from porcelain material.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are made of highly biocompatible titanium, designed to replace missing teeth, and are surgically placed in the jawbone. The screw serves as the root of the tooth and ensures the adhesion of the artificial tooth.

Dental implants can be applied to previously lost tooth cavities or can be applied into the bone immediately after tooth extraction with immediate implant protocol.

Although the purpose of implant dental treatment seems to be to close only the gaps from an aesthetic point of view, this is not enough. Implants also serve functional purposes such as comfortable chewing, comfortable speech and correct closing.

If the patient has sufficient bone level, dental implants can be placed in a single session. If there is not enough bone level and density, the bone level can be expected to reach the optimum level with bone powder applications. Fixed prostheses, removable prostheses or hybrid prostheses can be applied on dental implants placed in the jawbone. Implants are often used to gain an aesthetic smile.

Gum Aesthetics (Pink Aesthetics)

For a healthy and aesthetic smile, teeth, gums, lips and facial features must be in harmony with each other. The procedures applied to the gums of people who have problems with their gums are called gum aesthetics or pink aesthetics. The aim of gingival aesthetics is to correct asymmetrical disorders and to provide an aesthetic gingival appearance.

In the pink aesthetic treatment, first of all, if the patient’s gum is unhealthy, the treatment is completed. Then, the factors that disrupt his smile from an aesthetic point of view are determined. Then, according to these factors, which treatment content will be applied is planned.

Within the scope of gingival aesthetics, gums that are longer or shorter than normal can be given a more aesthetic appearance with gummy smile or gingivectomy methods.

Botox and Thermal Dental Fillings

The lines and wrinkles that form over the years reduce the effect of an aesthetic smile. The final touch of an aesthetic smile design is the botox process applied around the mouth and dermal fillers used to fill thin lips. Dentists can use these methods to complete your perfect smile.

Shine Like the Stars with Hollywood Smile Aesthetics

Nowadays, especially with the frequent preference of celebrities, the Hollywood smile aesthetics, which is increasing in popularity, allows a striking smile line to be obtained by ensuring the symmetry and smoothness of the teeth.

One of the important features of the Hollywood smile is that it allows for a smile that is designed to be more eye-catching. People with brighter and more eye-catching teeth and a more aesthetic smile increase their self-confidence in the same way.

How to Apply Hollywood Smile?

Before Hollywood smile aesthetics, health problems in the teeth and mouth are eliminated. Then, digital smile design is made with computer programs used within the scope of digital dentistry for an aesthetic smile. When making this design, the person’s face shape, age, gender, tooth and lip structure are taken into consideration.

When designing a Hollywood smile, several of the following treatment options are chosen, which differ depending on the wishes and needs of the person:

  • Zirconium crowns
  • Botox and thermal fillers
  • Feldspathic laminate veneers
  • Glass-ceramic (emax) crowns
  • Pink aesthetics (gum aesthetics)
  • Glass-ceramic laminate veneers (leaf porcelain)

The resulting successful design and selected treatment methods are put into practice within the framework of a plan. In the treatment of Hollywood smile, laminate veneers and zirconium crowns are the most preferred coating methods.

Who Can Get a Hollywood Smile?

  • Those who have completed the development of the mouth and jaw,
  • Those who want to eliminate dental health problems in their front teeth,
  • Those whose general health status will not interfere with dental treatments,
  • Those who want to stand out with their impressive smile or who want a more beautiful smile,
  • Those who want to get rid of mild tooth crowding without the need for orthodontic treatment.

Since Hollywood smile applications are performed under local anesthesia, the patient does not feel much pain. In order to maintain the redesigned beautiful smile, it is necessary to pay maximum attention to daily oral hygiene. It should be remembered that the teeth are treated. For this reason, hard foods should be avoided and harsh actions such as biting and plucking should be avoided as much as possible.

How Much Does Hollywood Smile Cost?

When people want to have a beautiful smile, they often search for the question “How much does a Hollywood smile cost?” because they wonder what the financial cost is. Since Hollywood smile is an aesthetic treatment where many disciplines are applied together and personally, it is unfortunately not possible to specify a clear price. However, as Msc. Dt. Aslı Çoban Dental Clinic, you can have no doubt that we will help you gain the smile of your dreams.

Remember; No matter what the cost of smiling safely and freely with health for years to come, you are worth it. It’s your turn to shine like the stars with a Hollywood smile! Don’t wait any longer for a change, call us today.